Nov 9
Bid ended

2023-017 – RFP (TERM) 2A-Temporary Access Road #14768

Mobile, AL (G-NR-E)


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date11/2/23 10:00am

Bid Date11/9/23 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Mobile Airport Authority
Rita Barren  
(251) 438-7334

Sealed bids will be receivedbyMobile Airport Authority,located at1891 9thStreet, Mobile, AL 36615,until2p.m.CST,November 9, 2023, for the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing all work for constructing thefollowingcontract:ProjectNo.1149210 BP#2ABid Package #2A–Temporary Access RoadatMobileInternational AirportMobile,AlabamaAt the specified time, all bids will be publicly opened and read aloudandthenevaluatedin a private setting.Uponselection, the CMAR willnotify each bidderwiththe resultsof the selection.A pre-bidmeetingwill be heldat10 a.m.CST,November 2,2023,at1886 5thStreet, Section 23 East, Mobile, AL36615for the purpose of briefing prospective bidders andMBE'sabout this project.All prospective bidders are urged toattend.Major itemsof work includeBid Package#2A–Temporary Access RoadattheMobile International Airport.The project shall be completed within22Calendar Days of the Issuance of Notice toProceed. Liquidated Damagesforthis project shall be6%annum oforiginal contractper Calendar Day.AMinorityBusiness Enterprise(MBE) goal of14.63%has been established for this project.The Owner’s award of thiscontract is conditioned upon Bidder or Offeror satisfying thegood faith effort requirementsof 49CFR§26.53.As acondition of bid responsiveness, the Bidder or Offeror must submit the following information with their proposal on theforms provided herein:(1)The names and addressesofMinorityBusiness Enterprise (MBE) firmsthat will participateinthecontract.(2)A descriptionof the work that eachMBE firm willperform.(3)The dollar amount of the participation of eachMBE firm listed under (1)(4)Written statement from Bidder or Offeror that atteststheir commitmentto usetheMBEfirm(s) listedunder item (1) to meet theOwner’s projectgoal.(5)If Bidder or Offeror cannot meet the advertised projectMBEgoal; evidence of good faithefforts undertaken by the Bidder or Offeror as described inappendix A to 49 CFR Part 26.Per49 CFR Part 26.53(b)(3), the Bidder may submitevidence of a good faith effort withinfive (5) days after the bid opening.(6)Written confirmation from each listedMBEfirm that is participating inthe contract in thekind andamount of work provided intheprime contractor’s commitment.Plans and specifications may be inspected atno charge onlineat bidders MUST notifythe CMARof their intention to bid on the projecta minimum of72 hoursbeforethetime specified forreceivingof bids.Bids must be submittedontheforms included within the contract documents andspecifications.Bidsshall include all pages includedin Division I–Bid Documents.All bid packages should includetwo (2) complete sets of the biddocuments.Submissionof the entire contractbook is not required Contract bond will be required as follows: 100% of the contract price.Labor andMaterialsBondwill be required as follows:100%of the contractprice.No bids will be considered unless the bidder, whether resident or non-resident of Alabama, is properly qualifiedwith theState ofAlabama.In addition, non-residents of the State, if a corporation,shall show evidence of havingqualified withtheSecretary of Stateto do business in Alabama.No contract will be awarded unless the contractor holds acurrentand appropriatelicense from the State Licensing Boardfor General Contractors, Montgomery, Alabama.No bid shall be withdrawn for a periodof60dayssubsequent to the opening of bids without the consent of the Owner.MAA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted; to select one or more responding parties; to void thisRFPand thereview process and/or terminate negotiations atany time; to select separate responding parties for variouscomponents of the scope of services; and toselect a final party/parties from among the proposals received in response tothis RFP. Additionally, any and all RFP project elements, requirements andschedules are subject to change andmodification. MAA also reserves the unqualified right to modify, suspend, or terminate at its sole discretion any and allaspects of this RFP process, to obtain further information from any and all responding parties, andto waive any defects asto form or content of the RFP or any responses by any party.This RFP does not commit MAA to awarda contract, defray any costs incurred in the preparation of a response tothisRFP, or contract for any services. All submitted responses to this RFP become the property of MAA as public records.All proposals may be subject to publicreview, on request, unless exempted as discussed elsewhere in this RFP.By accepting this RFPand/or submitting a proposal in response thereto, eachresponding party agrees for itself, itssuccessors and assigns, to hold MAA and its agents, directors,consultants, attorneys, officers, and employees harmlessfrom and against any and all claims anddemands of whatever nature or type,which any such responding company, itsrepresentatives, agents, contractors, successors or assigns may have against any ofthem as a result of issuing this RFP,revising this RFP, conducting the selection process and making afinal recommendation, selecting arespondingparty/parties or negotiating or executing an agreement incorporating the commitments of the selected responding party.By submitting responses, each responding party acknowledges having read this RFP inits entirety and agrees to all termsandconditions setout in this RFP.Prospectivebiddersmustobtain the plans and specifications fromthe CMARin order to submit a proposal. Request forplans and specification shall besent via emailto the following email addressno later than 72 hours prior to thetimeofreceivingbids specified:bdwilliams@jescoinc.netBrian Slaughter,Project DirectorJESCO, Inc.ConstructionMobile, Alabama